Sunday 12 July 2020

How to Cut the Belly Flab Without Hitting the Gym

Ever wish for a flatter stomach but don’t have the time or energy to hit the gym on the regular? Here are a few tips that may help.

Cut the sugar. It seems like there’s a new study released each day about the negative impacts sugar can have on your health, and unsurprisingly, it can have the same effect on your waistline. Cutting out excess sugar could go a long way towards cutting down on belly flab, and it’ll have you generally feeling better too.

Eat more fiber. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet and helps keep you regular, but it also helps keep you feeling fuller for longer, reducing your desire to snack throughout the day. A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, could be a big step towards a flatter belly.

Drink plenty of water. While staying hydrated is important to overall health, it’s also a key element of appetite control. Often times we think we’re hungry, when really we’re just thirsty. Drinking water instead of sugary sodas or fruit juices will also go a long way towards curbing sugar intake.

Drop and do some planks. Finally, while making changes to your diet will go a long way towards reducing belly fat, a bit of exercise will help reach your goals even faster. Planks are an effective exercise that target the core, and you can do them anywhere without the need for special equipment.

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