Wednesday 20 February 2019

Easy Ways To Eat Healthier

You don’t have to look very far to find the latest fad diet, but more often than not healthier eating is a matter of getting into healthier habits. Here are two easy ways you can start eating healthier today.

Cut the carbs. It’s definitely not a matter of cutting out carbs completely. Complex carbohydrates are an important source of slow burning fuel for your body and a diet completely devoid of carbs can leave you feeling tired and listless. That said, when it comes to carbs, portion control plays a big part. It may be tempting to make a second sandwich if you’re still hungry, but those extra slices of bread constitute a lot of calories, and you may be better off supplementing with a light snack consisting of fruits and vegetables.

Your hand - the key to a healthy meal. Portion size is important, and not just when it comes to carbs. While snacking in between meals is certainly a culprit, it’s often excessive portion sizes that lead to overeating and considerably more calories consumed than we need throughout the day. But how to determine just how much food is the right quantity? The answer is just an arm’s length away. Have a look at your open hand, a good rule of thumb for a healthy meal would be a piece of protein roughly the size of your palm, with about five fingers’ worth of vegetable on the side.

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