Tuesday 8 May 2018

Healthy After Forty

Forty is the time in one’s life when things like family and career have pretty much settled, but it is also a time when your body’s function’s start slowing. Our metabolism slows, the bones start getting weaker, etc. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. Taking certain steps to maintain your health early-on ensures that you can stay fit and healthy for longer. Here are some things that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • The primary things to start taking care of are: quit smoking, sleep for 7 hours daily, and exercise regularly, even walking daily is good.
  • Keep your mind busy and your body healthy. Avoid things that stress you or cause unwanted anxiety. Staying healthy essentially starts with a healthy mind.
  • A diet with more fruits and vegetables, which are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will ensure you can avoid major vision problems.
  • If diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure are common things in your family history, take essential tests and start a routine to avoid these diseases.
  • Reduce your calorie intake and start taking more fibers. A slow metabolism will cause you to gain weight faster, so you need to watch out.
  • Once you hit 40, when things go wrong, you have to think of cancer. Get checked at regular intervals so that any problems that arise can be detected on time.
Visit Fittango for more such tips. Fittango is a library where you can find content that inspires you to stay fit.

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