Friday 5 October 2018

5 Ways To Start Your Day On The Right Foot

It’s a daily struggle to get out of bed and get ready for work, especially if you don’t have some kind of routine to keep you focused. Developing a morning routine can make the difference between hitting that snooze button and actually getting up to start your day. Here are 5 things that’ll help you start your day on the right foot:

1. Hold off looking at your phone

It’s a bad habit that we’ve developed to have our phones be the last and first thing we look at in the day. There’s a lot going on in the world, but it won't go anywhere if you don’t pick your phone up right away. In fact, studies show that if you don't look at your phone 2 hours before bedtime, you’ll have a better sleep, which will help your start off your day with ease.

2. Meditate

A nice way to start the day is to take a few minutes to clear your mind and be in the now. By meditating, you allow yourself to stay focused and stress-free, which will start your day on a good note. Breathing deeply is proven to promote good circulation and mindfulness. After all, it’s just as important to have a healthy mind as it is to have a healthy body.

3. Stretching and Exercising

Of course, we know that exercising is healthy for us, but what we don't know is how it exactly helps us in the morning to move around. It actually helps our metabolism and cognitive function greatly. Stretching is also a great way to loosen your body from being still all night, thus refreshing your circulation. Your body will thank you, and you’ll feel less stiff throughout the day.

4. Drink water

By drinking a good glass of water first thing in the morning before you consume anything else, you’re actually helping to detox your body. It not only hydrates you, but it also boosts your metabolism and flushes out any toxins in your body, which will help you start your day right.

5. Have breakfast

Last but not least, having some breakfast is extremely important before starting your day out in the world. An empty stomach will just put you in a bad mood and might drag on throughout the day. By eating something in the morning, you allow your body to keep itself busy until the next meal. You’ll be less distracted, in a better mood, and you’ll feel good!

Not everybody is a morning person, but by having a good routine to live by, it’ll greatly improve not only your health but your overall outlook on life. If you want to know more about how to live a better life by working on both mind and body, try reading Healthy Mind and Body All-in-One For Dummies, by Gillian Burn. Feel free to browse through our online library,, for books that suit your interests and needs!

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